Sustainable Students: Helping Your Kids Be Eco-Friendly At College

Sending your kid off to college can leave parents with sticker shock. The cost of tuition plus housing and everything that goes with it like furniture, groceries, and utilities can really add up. 

Many people go for the cheapest options, not worrying about whether they are being sustainable. But there are simple swaps & measures your student can take that are not only eco-friendly, they can also SAVE you money. 

Here are some tips to help your kids live green during their college years.

1. Be Thrifty

Before you head to Walmart or Target, think about whether you can buy what you need at a thrift or consignment store. Many secondhand shops sell donated couches, entertainment centers, bed frames, and other necessary furniture.

While you’re there you can also pick out some great secondhand clothes. You’ll be surprised at all the great pieces you’ll find. We wrote an article about how shopping secondhand can help the environment. You can find it here

2. Carpool or Buy a Bike

If your college kid lives on campus, a bike is a great option for getting around. However, if they happen to live off campus, help them arrange to carpool with a friend or use public transportation. Some campuses have great options for public transportation, so double check before buying your student a car.

This is also a great way to save money because parking passes are expensive and it’s always a nightmare to find parking anyway. I can’t count the number of times I was late or even missed class because the parking lot was full. I also received numerous parking tickets because I parked in the resident parking lot rather than miss class (I still don’t understand why they want to punish you for doing whatever you need to do to get to class). So, solve the problem ahead of time and say “no” to your student driving their own car. 

3. Take Advantage of College Life Perks

Being in college has a lot of great benefits like access to a library and meals already prepared. Just by taking advantage of these resources, your student can be more eco-friendly.

By using a library, you are simply buying books rather than buying them… creating less paper waste. And by eating meals made in the cafeteria, you create less food waste. Both of these resources also help you save money! Win-win! 

4. Use Shampoo and Soap Bars

Shampoo, conditioner, and liquid soap bottles are big offenders in the single-use plastic products category. You can reduce plastic waste by having your student make this simple switch.

There are tons of options when it comes to shampoo, conditioner, and soap bars. Buying plastic free can also help you save money as well. 

5. Stainless Steel Water Bottles

Ditch the plastic water bottles and get a refillable one instead. Usually there are water fountains scattered around campus so they’ll be able to fill up on the go.

Can’t find a water fountain? Most cafeterias give water for free! 

Stainless steel bottles are great because they are sustainable and they last longer. 

6. Recycle

This might be a no-brainer but it’s still worth mentioning. Lots of campuses have great recycling initiatives and place recycle cans next to trash cans. Definitely have your student take advantage of these. 

Also tell them to keep a separate bin for your recyclables in the dorm or apartment. This simple step makes a HUGE difference for Mother Earth by reducing waste and keeping things that can be reused out of landfills. 

Just because your kids are headed off to college does not mean they can’t be sustainable. Just by using these tips, they can do a lot to help the environment. Students can also get involved in communities dedicated to earth preservation. Just check out the clubs on the college website. 


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